Sunday, August 1, 2010

hey look at this thing i made: II

So I, for awhile, had a job that required me to take apart a number of non-functioning vacuums. For reasons I can't really explain, I would see these parts laying out on the table and for some reason would put them together in my mind to make shapes. I think it started because I think the armature in a motor looks like a muscle. Anyways on a vacuum that we call "Old Style Upright" internally, there is a part that for some reason really stuck with me, so I uh, made a thing out of them.

I wish I had more of a story about this, but the thing is almost 2 years old (if not older) at this point. It was sitting up in the old apartment, but I guess we never did a post about it because Raz was constantly trying to stifle my creativity (note: at no point was she ever trying to stifle my creativity). I think what first got this started in my head was I saw one that had a black circle on it and felt it looked like an eye.

Of course that ended up being the mouth, but that black ring there was the natural wear of belts over the life of the vacuum. This is made out of 70 or so of those motor pulleys. It got to a point where I was really actively hoping that these cleaners would die so I could get the part. The arms and torso are removable, so it has some really small amount of articulation.

The screws are the sawed off ends of motor armatures. The whole thing is held together with a metric ton of JB Weld. The bulk of the construction is based round 2 of the parts being glued together and then using that as a building block. I know at the time I had a name that I felt was really clever for them, but uh, again, 2 years ago, I've slept since then. I made one other one that there will probably be a post of eventually. I had created in my mind the plans for 5 or so more of these, but I lacked a way to construct them. While the JB weld was plenty effective for this one and the other one (which is really very small) it wasn't suitable for a larger scale construction. But um, my new brazing technique is ultimate, so I'm gonna start making these again. This was the start of it all though.

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